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Tree Removal Essex
Tree Removal & Tree Felling Essex
Tree Removal & Tree Felling Essex
Tree removal is the felling of a tree in one go from the base. This is only a viable option when there is adequate space to perform the service with no risk of damage or injury. Exceptional skill is required when cutting the gob out of the tree as this will determine the landing zone; any miscalculation could result in serious or fatal injury and damage to property. T.H Tree Services are qualified and trained to expertly fell trees.
Sectional Tree Removal & Felling, Essex
As opposed to the straight fell, sectional removal refers to removing all or part of the tree by dissecting it into smaller pieces. These are either free felled if space permits, or lowered by using specialist equipment. All of the equipment used is LOLER inspected as is legally required. Only experienced tree surgeons undertake the specialist task of rigging a tree as this is the most demanding work a tree surgeon undertakes. Any error or lack of experience could result in serious consequences.
Conifer Tree Removal & Felling, Essex
If you have an overgrown or problematic conifer tree in Essex, call T.H Tree Services any time. We can offer you the best solutions to remove your conifer tree. We have been removing the most awkward conifer trees since our inception and it is our speciality.
Tree Branch & Limb Removal, Essex
This involves entering the tree or using telescopic powered equipment to professionally remove tree limbs and tree branches using a three step method of under cut-over cut-clean collar cut, as specified in BS3998 (British Standards).
Tree Removal & Felling Cost, Essex
The cost of felling and removing a tree in Essex varies depending on height, width, species of tree and diameter of the trunk. We will also take into consideration the distance from the front / rear garden to the roadside as well as any obstacles that may be directly under the tree or in front of it.
More On Tree Removal Costs In Essex
TPO (Tree Preservation Order) & Conservation areas in Essex
If you are thinking of having a tree removed in Essex it may be wise to first check with your local council if the tree is under a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or if it is situated in a conservation area. You simply need to state your address and type of tree located on the property to the Tree Officer at your local council. Any work carried out on a protected tree without permission risks the penalty of large fines.
If your tree does have a Tree Preservation Order on it, work can still be performed, but the process may take a little longer. Firstly you need to give a valid reason why you want the work to be done and possibly provide evidence relating to any problems that the tree is causing, e.g. subsidence.
When you apply for permission, you will be sent a form to fill in and you will need to state, using the correct terms, the work required. A tree surgeon can help you with the official wording. If the council accepts your application, they will send you written confirmation of the work that they have agreed to. You normally have 2 years to undertake the work you have been authorised to undertake.
In the unfortunate event that the council refuses permission, you may appeal and ask for their reasons. It is advisable to seek an alternative opinion.